Roselle Park Mayor asks for camera in attempt to ambush James O’Keefe. It doesn’t go well for him.

[mux_video video_id=”UxH7grgWPVN8GaAxnSnGviypanT3AEi02jDy4hRRodi00″ video_title=”bodycam”] DONATE NOW
O’Keefe exposé leads to NJ police captian announcing “Review for Deficiencies” on officer’s conduct.

[mux_video video_id=”n00Kd01iAO5ELTXaCWduKJPAB02KSX7nutbthNw00ETMoUw” video_title=”bodycam”] Shortly after OMG exposed shocking viral bodycam footage—of cop questioning citizens’ “right” to attend school board meetings and other chilling behavior—New Jersey police captain announces “Review for Deficiencies” of officer’s conduct.
Newly released body cam footage shows Livingston School Board officials calling police on citizens they don’t recognize and citizens that look “TRUMPISH!”

[mux_video video_id=”0100pZ53bhrxgfgtrMdmM025qBgIGg3NryoJGQTdThuEgk” video_title=”bodycam”] Newly released body cam footage reveals a shocking incident where Livingston School Board officials call the police on citizens they don’t recognize or deem to look ‘Trumpish.’ Watch the full video to uncover the truth behind this alarming event. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more updates.
What Do Your Children’s School Board Officials Think About You?

[mux_video video_id=”a11oD2uP602RGSfpdxa2TsHGFwQcNxN1XWiiexMmlSbc” video_title=”Livingston FIOA”] TOMORROW: We obtained through public records request the first in a series of police body cam recordings. Find out what the police and school board officials REALLY think about YOU when they forget the camera is rolling… SUPPORT OUR REPORTING BY DONATING TODAY
Results from the Best Buy Story at OMG

[mux_video video_id=”93QApvIJfzboqP3b00ft8zeQVTM9axIxcKAExrKWbGZw” video_title=”BestBuyUpdate”] After OMG published Best Buy documents displaying racial discrimination for management training, multiple sources from within Best Buy came forward with MORE information. The most recent update is that a BBY director revealed that the announcement page for the training has been REMOVED and the training page itself had changed the language […]
Best Buy Whistleblower Reveals Audio of Company’s Religious Discrimination and Preference for LGBTQ Community

[mux_video video_id=”T00hKabSFpPAUOH2dgHlbmsPmqEK02M7QG4dLkSI4ubqU” video_title=“BestBuy”] The O’Keefe Media Group is sounding the alarm for yet ANOTHER whistleblower this time from the giant tech company Best Buy. On the heels of our reporting that a Best Buy employee brought us disclosed documents of a management training offered exclusively to non-white employees showing blatant racial discrimination, we now have […]
The Climate Change Pandemic Predicted by CNN on Hidden Camera

[mux_video video_id=”26ECipBLSVG3zDEeGE1zE7zbHwwTFk02RXkqsPYTi8yQ” video_title=“Climate”]
OMG Starts Campaign to Expose Dirty Lawyers

[mux_video video_id=”WGpSxDyeV9q00HoWg3MFnX02801iQcJI00vqm1rjEpWAdZU” video_title=“Lawyers”] The O’Keefe Media Group is telling a story similar to what millions of Americans have endured: attorneys who seem to wield the legal system not as a tool for justice, but as a benefit for them and their clients’ advantage. In the footage, Audrey Lee Anderson in Nashville, TN tells a disguised […]
James O’Keefe Offers Tool for Transparency to Disgruntled Parents In Another New Jersey School District: Cameras

[mux_video video_id=”lYSbbsBmVYKBNDotK1O5XUueSG5xoGKlGDCF00U8YbvA” video_title=“Cameras”] O’Keefe Media Group CEO James O’Keefe has followed up on his promise to supply parents and students with tools to record “lying, cheating, stealing, and scamming” in yet another school district in New Jersey, this time Roselle Park. O’Keefe made the offer in yet another school district plagued by controversy after previously […]
James O’Keefe Speaks to Students at TPUSA about Recording on Campus

After giving a speech at the Turning Point Student Action Summit, James O’Keefe commiserated with several college students about the corruption and woke activity that was occurring on their individual campuses. One student expressed concern about losing the scholarship that was granted to them if they were found out to be recording such behaviors on […]