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4960 East beverly Road

Phoenix, AZ 85044

Protect Free Speech

Alternatively, you can donate to James O’Keefe’s legal defense fund managed by Liberty Guard or to OMG’s free speech legal defense fund managed by Private Citizen.

Legal Defense Fund for James O’Keefe
(not tax deductible)

Free Speech Legal Defense Fund
(tax deductible)

Donate by Check:

To Support Journalism:

Please send a check made payable to O’Keefe Media Group LLC and mail it to the address below.

O’Keefe Media Group LLC
PO Box 717
Westwood, NJ 07675

Note:  this donation is non-tax deductible.

To Support James’ Legal Defense:

Please send a check made payable to Liberty Guard and mail it to the address below.

Liberty Guard
2120 Powers Ferry Road, Suite 125
Atlanta, GA 30339

Note:  this donation is non-tax deductible.

To Support the Legal Defense of Citizen Journalists:

Please send a check made payable to Private Citizen and mail it to the address below.

Private Citizen
PO Box 26382
Kansas City, MO 64196

Note:  this donation is tax deductible.