BUSTED! James O’Keefe works out with Mark Cuban, asks “Will you hire Wei Wu?

BUSTED! James O’Keefe works out with Mark Cuban, asks “Will you hire Wei Wu?

The team at O’Keefe Media Group is already making a big impression in the New Year. In addition to our extensive coverage of the southern border crisis, my team and I tracked down celebrity billionaire Mark Cuban using tips from inside sources, even from people inside Cuban’s own gym, so we decided to pay him a visit to ask about his obsession with “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.” 

He wasn’t in the mood to talk.

BUSTED! James O’Keefe works out with Mark Cuban, asks “Will you hire Wei Wu?”

Cuban had an unexpected workout partner yesterday — an investigative journalist. We captured the heated exchange on video, despite Cuban’s goons seizing our camera and erasing our video (a misdemeanor).

Cuban says to O’Keefe,  “You lied out your ass about Pfizer,” “Only a f***ing moron thinks DEI has to do with quotas.” He then frantically asks, “Where’s your camera at?” Cuban’s trainer grabs a nearby guest’s shirt, seizes their iPhone and deletes the footage. But hidden cameras captured the entire heated exchange.  

Cuban caught the ire of the internet after suggesting DEI policies are fair and legal, with Elon Musk asking Cuban, “When should we expect to see a short white/Asian woman to play for his team, the Dallas Mavericks?”


Musk wasn’t finished with Cuban — he also chimed in with a tweet calling Cuban a “tool.” Ouch, Mark. 


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