BREAKING: GMA Producer Nick Cirone: “Sometimes the truth has a very clear slant in one direction.”

BREAKING: GMA Producer Nick Cirone: "Sometimes the truth has a very clear slant in one direction."

BREAKING: Good Morning America (GMA) Producer Nick Cirone: “Sometimes the truth has a very clear slant in one direction.” 

Cirone admits the show selects stories and uses contributors to align with their bias. He adds needing to “watch out for” James O’Keefe taking footage “out of context,” unaware he’s speaking to O’Keefe’s undercover journalist.

Top Rated Good Morning America Producer Confirms Overwhelming Liberal Media Bias

“The truth…very overwhelmingly has a liberal bias,” declares GMA Segment Producer Nick Cirone.

Producer Cirone reveals GMA leverages external experts and contributors to articulate viewpoints that align with their editorial stance.

“Right-wing” people are “not based in reality” but in “ideological dogma” and “ignorance,” Cirone states as he says he needs to “watch out for” James O’Keefe while not knowing he is speaking to an undercover journalist working for O’Keefe.

Nick Cirone, a segment producer at ABC’s Good Morning America, has made startling revelations over dinners with OMG’s undercover journalist about the liberal bias pervasive in the network. “The truth…very overwhelmingly has a liberal bias,” Cirone disclosed to an OMG undercover journalist. “Of course” identifying as a Democrat, Cirone works in GMA’s Washington D.C. office, booking guests and shaping the content of the popular morning show.

Since surpassing NBC’s Today in 2012, Good Morning America has remained the most-watched morning show in America. Broadcasting from Times Square and featuring prominent anchors like George Stephanopoulos, Robin Roberts, and Michael Strahan, GMA aims to appeal to a broad audience. 

However, Cirone’s insights reveal a significant liberal bias in its editorial choices. He shares that positive stories about Biden are selectively featured. Cirone justifies GMA’s liberal slant by claiming “sometimes the truth has a very clear slant in one direction.”

Cirone displays the alarming presumptions held by those working in mainstream media. Specifically, GMA provides political content where “obviously, when we’re talking about a particular story, sure, if it’s like something that’s clearly positive for Biden, we’re going to talk about that story.” He adds GMA does not give opposing sides equal coverage: “We can pick and choose stories for sure.  And it’s not like, oh, we gave him 30 minutes, we have to give the other guy 30 minutes.” He claims, “we don’t have to add any spin” to stories about Trump because “anything he does is going to be newsworthy.” Despite these admissions about left-wing politicization at GMA, Cirone says conservative leaning media like Newsmax, OANN, and Fox News are the “propaganda machines.” He maintains GMA is “not like your firebrands type of news. We’re very rooted in that traditional way of broadcasting.” 

Cirone describes GMA’s strategy of using guests to voice strong opinions against Trump, maintaining an illusion of impartiality. He explains, “Now, there are times when, yes, we’ll have a guest, like a contributor or a subject matter expert, and they can say all they want.” This method ensures that the critique appears external rather than from the network itself, subtly pushing the liberal agenda.

Cirone expresses a dismissive view of conservatives, referring to them as “right-wing crazies” and claiming they are “not based in reality” but in “ideological dogma” and “ignorance.” Despite his dismissive attitude, Cirone acknowledges the lax security at the Capitol, which he believes contributed to the January 6th events.

Cirone also sheds light on GMA host George Stephanopoulos, a former Clinton administration staffer, stating that Stephanopoulos “clearly thinks [Trump] is deranged.” Cirone’s comments highlight the deep-rooted political biases within GMA.

Ironically, while discussing the need to “watch out for” Project Veritas and James O’Keefe, Cirone was unaware he was speaking to an undercover journalist working for O’Keefe. He acknowledges that GMA staff are aware of O’Keefe’s work, despite publicly dismissing its relevance.

Cirone’s revelations underscore the importance of being critical of media content and aware of the significant control a few corporations have over the news. Good Morning America, as part of ABC and owned by Disney, is one of the six major companies controlling nearly 90% of American media.

Sometimes the most important information is not what the media shows and discusses, but rather the information the media omits. 


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