BREAKING: DEI Conspiracy in Air Force: “We basically contacted everybody who had a title like that and got them to sneakily change their title so it doesn’t sound as diversity oriented even though it is,” reveals Jake Reyna, Department of Defense and U.S. Air Force Operations Research Analyst for the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.
U.S. Air Force Analyst Confirms No Data Exists To Support DEI Policies And Says Air Force Cheats System To Ensure Higher Salaries For DEI Personnel
Jake Reyna, Department of Defense Operations Research Analyst for the Secretary of the Air Force, divulges Air Force conspiracy to manipulate job titles to cheat the system out of a higher salary for DEI personnel: “We just weaseled around it.”
Working in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Reyna believes white men are “definitely stupid,” “definitely suck” and make the military weaker
Reyna states U.S. Air Force has no data to support positive effects of its DEI policies: “I don’t know if there’s any specific data you can provide outside of just saying like, yeah, we’re getting more diverse talking about changing officers.”
O’Keefe Media Group caught Jake Reyna, an Operations Research Analyst in the Department of Defense, divulging on undercover footage about his work in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion for the Secretary of the United States Air Force. He develops programs like the Workforce Analytics Dashboard that lists the demographics of the Air Force with an emphasis on “race, ethnicity, and gender.” Reyna states “we’re providing the data that we want” to inform desired policies. These desired policies are designed to advance Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, otherwise known as DEI (also sometimes called DEIA where the A stands for Accessibility). Disguised with virtuous language, DEI is actually a system based on Marxist critical theories designed to breakdown individuals by pitting groups against one another and expelling non-conforming individuals in order to change societal values. It is likely for this reason that Reyna says his Office of Diversity and Inclusion is being moved to conceal it under a larger group called Manpower and Readiness since “the Republican Party is just kind of targeting a lot of DEI stuff right now.” Reyna claims even if the Republican Party finds out the extent of the cover-up, which will be easier with OMG’s undercover footage, “there’s nothing really they would be able to do.”
Despite working in a satellite office of the Pentagon, Reyna easily admits to OMG’s undercover American Swiper journalist that the U.S. Air Force manipulates job titles to cheat the system out of a higher salary for DEI personnel. In fact, Reyna boasts how unelected bureaucrats subvert the will of the people explaining “the Republican Party basically had a mandate that they snuck in there that basically said anybody whose full-time position whose position is diversity, equity and inclusion can’t get paid more than a GS-10 which is that’s like 80 grand,” so “we talked with their supervisors and basically got them to change the bill basically that says what your job is.” Reyna says, “We just weaseled around it,” and “we basically contacted everybody who had a title like that and got them to sneakily change their title so it doesn’t sound as diversity oriented even though it is.”
Despite working in the Department of Defense, an agency tasked with ensuring our military is battle ready to defend the nation, Reyna makes numerous statements about white men that reveal the biased mindset and inherent hypocrisy of DEI bureaucrats. He deems older white men “definitely difficult. They definitely suck” and as “boomers” whom he does not trust and are “definitely stupid,” despite being engineers. Without providing specific reason they are “stupid,” he claims, “You could be book smart and also be an idiot when it comes to everything outside of like, math or engineering.” One would think a reasonable person would want engineers to be good at math and engineering, but reason has no place in the DEI system. He further stereotypes Trump supporters as only “White people. White dudes….Mainly white people who are upset with minorities,” and even labels Elon Musk as a “right-wing” “kind of a dingle” who bought X “just to show off” and because “He’s just a billionaire with nothing better to do.” Reyna believes white men hinder our advancement as a society “just everywhere” and are holding others back. It seems he has never considered the many sacrifices millions of white Americans have made in the military where he now works.
With such racist views against white Americans, it’s no wonder Reyna celebrates the population of white troops dipping below 50%. He even attributes low retention in the military “potentially” because there are still too many white people. “Hispanics are the majority population in Texas now,” Reyna says as support for his belief the percentage of white people in the military and government should be “reflective of the rest of the nation.” When asked by our undercover journalist, “Do you think they [white men] make us weaker as a military?” he responds, “In some ways, probably.” Reyna says about white people, “a lot of people come with their implicit biases, too,” even as he labels white people bigots and idiots purely based on race.
Despite his ardent beliefs that DEI candidates and troops strengthen the military, Reyna admits there is no actual supporting data: “I don’t know if there’s any specific data you can provide outside of just saying like, yeah, we’re getting more diverse talking about changing officers.” He acknowledges there are no performance metrics to show the purported effectiveness of DEI policies and that any purported effectiveness is in fact difficult to measure. Reyna claims the proof is just to hire more non-whites.
The worst aspect of the DEI system Reyna describes is the consequence for noncompliance. If an airman does not participate in DEI trainings, Reyna says he “probably wouldn’t be qualified for promotions or he’d get reprimanded and…he’d get written up.” He confirms DEI training is mandatory for airmen and additional DEI training is necessary to qualify to be an officer. “If they don’t complete their training and they got enough mark-ups,” Reyna says airmen will be dishonorably discharged, which include being stripped of all benefits. While standing up against the DEI system will get an airman dishonorably discharged, Reyna confirms the Department of Defense – which means taxpayer dollars, will pay for “gender affirming” surgeries.

After OMG reached out for comment, Deana M. Heitzman, Superintendent, Public Affairs Operations Press Desk for the United States Air Force stated in an official response, “This individual was not speaking on behalf of the Department of the Air Force.” Tellingly, in her response, Heitzman includes pronouns in her email signature but does not dispute the substance of the statements made by Reyna.