TX Woman Denies ActBlue Donations: “There’s No Way I Made All Those;” TX Sheriff’s Office RESPONDS

JUST IN ON ACT BLUE MONEY LAUNDERING: “No, there’s no way I had made all those,” says Barbara Staples of Texas, shocked to learn ActBlue listed her as making 1,600 donations totaling $13,000, including 53 transactions in a single day.

Gerda Henderson faced $33,000 in unauthorized ActBlue donations over 484 days, despite only approving a few dollars. She closed her credit card due to fraudulent charges. ActBlue doesn’t require a CVV number. When asked if she approved all transactions, she said, “No.”

The Montgomery Sheriff’s Office said, “Both donors made voluntary donations. One was reimbursed; the other can’t recall if all donations were authorized.”

Sources allege the Texas Attorney General’s ActBlue investigation has stalled since January due to First Assistant Brent Webster withholding information from Attorney General Ken Paxton for future job prospects.

As Kamala Harris’ campaign reports ‘record contributions,’ O’Keefe Media Group is uncovering highly suspicious campaign finance activity associated with ActBlue, the platform used for her fundraising. ActBlue, serving left-leaning nonprofits and politicians, appears to target elderly Americans, attributing false donations totaling tens of thousands of dollars. Victims also include non-Democrats who only donated to Donald Trump and Republicans.

After watching an OMG video about fraudulent ActBlue contributions, Angi Jones searched the Federal Election Commission (FEC) website and was shocked to find her Republican parents listed as donating over 30 times to Bernie Sanders and ActBlue.

Speaking to OMG, Angi’s mother Alberta Jones responded, “Absolutely not,” when asked if she donated to Bernie Sanders. Alberta goes on to show her bank records to prove she did not make the purported contributions. She added that she donated primarily to Trump Save America. Alberta stated, “I feel violated,” in regard to her name being used for ActBlue donations. 

Barbara Staples was equally surprised when she learned that ActBlue listed her as having made 1,600 donations amounting to roughly $13,000. OMG investigators informed her that FEC records indicated 53 transactions on a single day. “There’s no way I made all those,” adding, “That’s ridiculous.”

Another victim, Gerda Henderson, faced similar issues. ActBlue listed her as making upwards of $33,000 in political donations over the course of 484 days in 6,000 transactions.

Speaking with OMG journalists, Gerda confirmed she approved a few dollars of donations but otherwise she “had a lot of problems with ActBlue.” She recounted how donations were made to candidates she had never heard of. “I had to demand refunds and close my credit card due to the fraudulent ActBlue charges,” she said. “We stopped it all and canceled it all out. It hasn’t happened since because I had to shut down that card.”

OMG investigators also asked if she had donated to ActBlue or Biden. Gerda responded, “No. Never.”

When asked if she had set up any recurring donations, she said, “No, I wouldn’t, I would never do that many times.” She revealed that her credit card was charged $4,800 in one fell swoop by someone she had never heard of, and she had to fight to get it refunded.

The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office was contacted for comment on if they were conducting an investigation. They stated, “It appears that both donors made voluntary donations through ActBlue. One was reimbursed when some of the charges were contested, and the other cannot recall if only some or if all donations were authorized.”

Sources reveal the Texas Office of Attorney General’s ActBlue investigation has been stalled since January by First Assistant Brent Webster. They stated, “Attorney General Ken Paxton isn’t fully aware of the investigation, as Webster has been withholding information and updates,” adding, “We’ve been told Webster is withholding this information from AG Paxton to seek favor with the firm Singer works for as a sort of insurance policy for his next job when he leaves the Texas OAG.”

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