Tucker, Kirk, Pool, PBD, Vivek all talk about new O’Keefe Whistleblower Phenomenon

Tucker, Kirk, Pool, PBD, Vivek all talk about new O’Keefe Whistleblower Phenomenon

There is a phenomenon happening at O’Keefe media and across the country right now; after our IBM story, whistleblowers are coming forward in the hundreds to our DMs on X, Signal. These whistleblowers and insiders are flooding our top lines – mostly inside corporations and inside Airlines discussing the migrant crisis. 

There is a major shift happening as we enter 2024; something special is happening inside the hearts of people. 

I wanted to give you a taste of what some have been saying before we break our next big story this coming week on immigration – something you won’t want to miss.

TUCKER:Rather than promote the ideas that made this country great, Krishna at IBM has bought into our racial hierarchy – into our form of modern Jim Crowe. So thanks to James O’Keefe the journalist we know what that looks like on the inside. Here is video that was leaked to O’Keefe, of Krishna the CEO of IBM telling employees to higher fewer white men or they will be punished and their pay will be cut!” WATCH ON YOUTUBE

Charlie Kirk: “This IBM story is one of the most important stories you have published in quite some time.” WATCH ON YOUTUBE

Tim Pool: “The message, James, you’ve spread for a long time, has reached a lot of people. And if everyone holds within their hearts that they will always be brave and stand up for what they believe in, we need not worry about this in 10 years.” WATCH ON YOUTUBE

Tucker, Pool and Kirk discuss the Whistleblower Phenomenon on stage at AM Fest.WATCH ON YOUTUBE

PATRICK-BET-DAVID: “Play the 1st minute of O’Keefe’s clip while the CEO of IBM is speaking… The 10 commandments of IBM are going to be inputted into the AI of tomorrow!”


  • Understands only WHITE people are racist
  • Sees the Black community as a group of individuals and not a monolith

TUCKER CARLSON: “The internal logical incoherence of this is insane” WATCH ON YOUTUBE

VIVEK RAMASWAMY: “You see it at IBM, where you got basic insight of what’s happening in terms of the facts, but that’s pervasive in terms of what’s happening across this entire economy. I’m glad you broke the news that you did. I think you know well it’s not some exception.

Listen to the FULL TWITTER SPACES featuring Vivek’s reaction  insiders from IBM went on the air on Spaces and speak about their experiences getting fired from the company. LISTEN AND WATCH ON YOUTUBE

Finally, 150+ IBM insiders reached out to us and we featured some of these messages on the big screen at AM FEST last week. WATCH ON YOUTUBE


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