EXCLUSIVE: Sean Payton Allegedly Tied to Opioid Scandal; NFL Used “Bountygate” as Cover-Up

EXCLUSIVE: Rael Enteen, former VP of Content for the Washington Commanders, claims that “Bountygate” was a cover-up for a major opioid theft scandal involving Sean Payton and Saints coaches. Enteen says the National Football League (NFL) used Bountygate to distract from the real issue—painkiller theft from the team doctor—and that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell may […]
BREAKING: Commanders VP of Content Calls Fans “High School Educated Alcoholics”

O’Keefe Media Group’s recent release of undercover footage featuring Rael Enteen, Vice President of Content for the Washington Commanders, making derogatory comments about NFL fans, NFL players, and owners has captured widespread attention from a plethora of major media outlets. Here’s a roundup of the top media coverage: “Commanders Fire Employee After Undercover Video Showed […]