“Red flag warnings, like, it’s a big indication of fires. So, of course they did,” admitted Alex Boz, an international relations coordinator for the Los Angeles Mayor’s Office, acknowledging that the Office was fully aware of the devastating fires before they occurred. When pressed on the issue, Boz dismissed any responsibility, reiterating, “Of course they did,” referring to the LA Mayor’s Office knowing the fires were coming, “But the thing is, there’s nothing they can do.”

When discussing fire-prone areas like Pacific Palisades, Boz stated, “They’ve lost everything,” shifting the blame onto homeowners: “Their yards were out of code. Like, nobody gave a f*ck.” He continued, “The houses, like, they’re supposed to be, like, a certain amount of feet apart, too.” Boz dismissed the destruction as inevitable, saying, “It was just, like, a ticking time bomb.”

“Firefighters… just didn’t have enough [water],” said Angel Luna, Project Manager for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), regarding the critical water shortage during the fires that ravaged the region. When asked how long the Santa Ynez reservoir had been empty before the fires, Luna confessed, “a year,” highlighting LADWP’s failure to take preventive measures, leaving the region vulnerable to disaster. According to Luna, part of the problem stemmed from firefighters damaging LADWP equipment: “They [firefighters] were also breaking our equipment,” he stated.
Both Luna and Boz refuted President Donald Trump’s claim that he had restored California’s water supply. Luna dismissed the statement outright, saying, “He didn’t turn on the water,” adding, “Pretty sure he’s just saying it.” He further argued Trump’s limited presidential power, saying, “Whatever president’s in place, it’s only there for four years and they’re not the people that are really in charge.”
Boz also criticized the claim, stating, “Trump turned the water back on through the military. Like, people believe that sh*t.” He added, “It’s not real.”

When confronted about his statements on hidden camera, Alex Boz immediately attempted to deflect and deny responsibility. Boz insisted he was merely an “unpaid intern” and refused to answer questions. Despite multiple opportunities to clarify his statements, he repeatedly responded with “no comment” when asked about Mayor Bass’s actions, the city’s unpreparedness for wildfires, and his dismissive remarks about President Trump’s water policies.

Angel Luna also refused to answer direct questions regarding the year-long depletion of the San Ynez Reservoir. Pressed on his claims that LA firefighters damaged equipment, contributing to the critical water shortage during the fires, Luna repeatedly deflected, insisting, “I would need to speak to legal representation.” When asked why emergency water command training only took place after the fires, Luna gave the same response. Despite being reminded of the public outrage over LADWP’s failure to provide water while homes burned, Luna refused to engage, ultimately stating, “I will not be coming back to you,” before hanging up.