President Trump Reacts to Recording of CIA Program Manager Saying “Higher-ups Kept Info From Trump”

President Trump Reacts to Recording of CIA Program Manager Saying "Higher-ups Kept Info From Trump"

President Trump reacts to bombshell recording of Program Manager at CIA describing how higher-ups at Langley withheld information from him.

“It’s shocking to see how stupid somebody can be. If this guy’s for real, you want to get rid of him. C.I.A. Central Intelligence Agency… This is not an intelligent guy, to be openly talking to a woman that walks up and starts asking him questions and talking that way. So he may be bragging or showing off to some young lady,  I have no idea the conditions under which he spoke. But I’d get rid of him real fast. If he’s for real, get rid of him.”

CIA Press Secretary Gives Statement to O’Keefe About Program Manager Caught On Tape 

Spokesperson at CIA gives me a statement saying that the Program Manager at the Chinese Mission Center caught on tape talking about the higher-ups withholding information from the President, is no longer working at the CIA.


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