DNC Manager Says Jill Biden Will “Take It Out of the General DNC Account” to Pay for Personal Trip

BREAKING: Democratic National Committee (DNC) Compliance Manager Joyce DeCerce admits on hidden camera that First Lady Jill Biden will “just take it out of the general DNC account” to fund her personal trip back from France. 

When an OMG journalist points out that the trip isn’t directly related to the campaign, DeCerce dismissively responds, “Who’s going to file a complaint?” suggesting that Jill Biden may not face any consequences for her misuse of donor funds. 

DeCerce further explains, “She has to be at her son’s trial. It’s a political issue,” explaining that the trip’s potential political implications might overshadow any concerns about its funding.

DNC Compliance Manager Admits Jill Biden Will “Just Take It Out of the General DNC Account” to Pay for Personal Trip

“Yeah, we pay for a bunch of Jill Biden’s stuff,” says the DNC Compliance Manager Joyce DeCerce.

In regard to the DNC’s expense handling, DeCerce mentions, “We’ll probably just take it out of the general DNC account.”

“Who’s going to file a complaint?” responds DeCerce, highlighting potential oversight issues within the DNC.

Earlier this week, the “DNC Tapes: Vol. 1” introduced you to Joyce DeCerce, the Compliance Manager for the DNC, who discussed Vice President Kamala Harris’s performance and electoral prospects. This week, our focus shifts to First Lady Jill Biden and Joyce DeCerces recent confessions concerning her travel expenses.

The New York Post recently reported that First Lady Jill Biden took a personal trip from France to Delaware to attend Hunter Biden’s trial. According to the report, the DNC covered the expenses for this trip, with taxpayers expected to cover the remaining costs.

The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) prohibits the use of campaign contributions for personal use under 2 USC 439a(b)(1). This means that the DNC is not permitted to pay for personal trips for political candidates or their affiliates. The DNC can only fund political or campaign-related trips.

When asked about the DNC’s role in covering these expenses, specifically Jill Biden’s trip from Delaware to France, he responded, “We pay for a bunch of Jill Biden’s stuff,” stating that the DNC will “probably” cover the cost. 

According to DeCerce, it appears that the DNC does cover Jill Biden’s expenses, raising questions about the compliance with Federal Employees’ Compensation ACT (FECA) regulations.

Joyce DeCerce’s remarks, “Who’s going to file a complaint?” suggesting a disregard for regulatory compliance and an expectation that any potential misuse of funds may go unchecked, raising significant concerns about the DNC’s approach to oversight and accountability. 

DeCerce’s comment implies a belief that the DNC’s actions, including covering personal travel expenses for First Lady Jill Biden, may be overlooked or ignored by those outside the organization, as well.

If you have any information regarding corruption, misuse of funds, or other issues within the DNC or the White House, we encourage you to come forward. Contact us on our Signal number at (914)-315-9415 or DM us on social media, and an OMG journalist will reach out to you.


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