Disney GET Program Pushes Transgender Agenda; Uses Consumer Funds for Gender Reassignment

REVEALED: O’Keefe Media Group reveals internal videos and documents exposing Disney’s G.E.T. (Gender Expression and Transitioning) program, which promotes the notion that being “authentically me” involves altering one’s natural body. The G.E.T. program video pressures Disney employees to conform to the demands of their gender transitioning co-workers.

Internal documents reveal that Disney’s health insurance plans cover mutilation surgeries under the guise of “gender affirming care,” funded by consumer dollars.

OMG also uncovers Disney’s secret PRIDE Think Tank, part of the PRIDE Business Employee Resource Group (BERG), which is dedicated to crafting strategies to engage LGBTQ+ consumers across Disney’s products, games, marketing, and media platforms. This think tank distorts Disney’s so-called ‘family-friendly’ content with a heavy focus on sexuality aimed at children.

Insider Reveals Disney’s Policies Kneeling to the Cult of Transgenderism

  • Disney health insurance plans provide for genital mutilation surgeries under the guise of “gender affirming care.”
  • Disney LGBTQ Program called G.E.T. instructs employees to comply with the demands of transitioning co-workers.
  • Disney’s PRIDE Think Thank excludes Christians.

O’Keefe Media Group’s “The Disney Files: Part 1” unveiled shocking internal documents showing Disney’s endorsement of workshops that promote LGBTQ identities to young children. Additional findings reveal Disney employees using bulletin boards to advertise polyamorous lifestyles and sponsoring children’s Pride events featuring nude men. “The Disney Files: Part 2” delves deeper into Disney’s controversial practices, as revealed by courageous whistleblowers inside Disney.

Disney’s LGBTQ initiative, Disney G.E.T. (Gender Expression and Transitioning), promotes the notion that authenticity requires altering one’s natural body. G.E.T. features videos instructing employees on how to support transitioning coworkers, including the requirement to use their chosen pronouns, regardless of personal beliefs.

The investigation also uncovers that Disney’s health insurance plan — offered through Kaiser, HMSA, AdventHealth, and Orlando Health Cast Advantage — covers “gender-affirming care,” including irreversible transition surgeries. This policy normalizes these treatments as standard healthcare, promoting them to Disney employees.

Another internal program, the Disney PRIDE Think Tank, part of the Disney PRIDE Business Employee Resource Group (BERG), aims to develop solutions that cater to the LGBTQ+ consumer across various platforms. This focus leads to infusing sexual content into Disney’s so-called ‘family-friendly’ programming through the Marketplace Committee and Creative Content Review Committee.

Despite Disney PRIDE Think Tank’s claims of inclusivity, it systematically excludes those who do not align with its LGBTQ agenda. For example, while Disney showcases a variety of diverse Mickey Mouse representations — including Asian American/Pacific Islander, Black/African American, and LGBTQIA+ Mickey — the absence of a Christian Mickey stands out.

OMG’s investigation reveals an intentional push to embed LGBTQ themes into children’s programming, often at the expense of traditional values. This aligns with broader trends, such as California’s recent AB1955 law, which allows schools to keep gender transitions hidden from parents. This legislative shift has even prompted Elon Musk to relocate his companies out of California, citing concerns over the impact on family values.

“The Disney Files: Part 3” coming soon…


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