BUSTED! James O’Keefe works out with Mark Cuban, asks “Will you hire Wei Wu?

The team at O’Keefe Media Group is already making a big impression in the New Year. In addition to our extensive coverage of the southern border crisis, my team and I tracked down celebrity billionaire Mark Cuban using tips from inside sources, even from people inside Cuban’s own gym, so we decided to pay him […]
VIDEO: High-speed migrant bus chase, Border Patrol agent blows whistle LIVE on O’Keefe X Spaces!

Here’s a look at our next story: PART TWO: HIGH-SPEED CHASE WITH PHOENIX MIGRANT BUSES A bus full of asylum seekers nearly ran The O’Keefe Media Group team off the road, swerving violently and attempting to reverse into the front of our vehicle. Once again, the Phoenix police were called on us. And once again, […]
EXPOSED: “I’LL PAY YOU GUYS!” Secretive Phoenix Migrant ‘Refugee’ Facility worker tries to bribe journalist

SECRET MIGRANT CENTER EXPOSED PART 1: “I’LL PAY YOU GUYS.” Phoenix Migrant ‘Refugee’ Facility worker caught on tape trying to bribe journalist. Video shows facility run by International Rescue Committee bussing thousands of migrant “refugees” every hour on the hour to Phoenix Sky Harbor airport. Migrants tell us they crossed border illegally, as IRC given […]
Tucker, Kirk, Pool, PBD, Vivek all talk about new O’Keefe Whistleblower Phenomenon

There is a phenomenon happening at O’Keefe media and across the country right now; after our IBM story, whistleblowers are coming forward in the hundreds to our DMs on X, Signal. These whistleblowers and insiders are flooding our top lines – mostly inside corporations and inside Airlines discussing the migrant crisis. There is a major […]
The OMG Insider

UNCOVERING DISCRIMINATORY HIRING PRACTICES AT SANOFI Our recent investigation has unveiled troubling practices within Sanofi, one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies. A brave whistleblower has come forward with evidence that raises serious ethical and legal questions about the company’s hiring policies. In a leaked video, Carole Huntsman, the former Senior Vice President at Sanofi, […]
Meet James O’Keefe at AMFEST Today!

Meet JAMES O’KEEFE for a book signing at AMFEST SPONSOR HALL Booth at 11:30 AM today! AND Attend a LIVE Masterclass with James on Tuesday in-person at AMFEST!SIGN UP HERE! Meet and learn from JAMES O’KEEFE LIVE and in-person!CJ Masterclass with James O’KeefeWHERE: Hyatt Regency Phoenix, North 2nd Street, Phoenix, AZWHEN: TUESDAY, 12/19 @ 2:00 […]
BREAKING: CEO of IBM Arvind Krishna On ALL STAFF CALL in Response To Insider Tapes Released by OMG

BREAKING: IBM CEO, Arvind Krishna, on an ALL-STAFF CALL going on the defense in response to insider tapes released by OMG. Krishna calls me a “journalist,” tells his entire staff not to react to the leaked recording, defends his discriminatory hiring practices, and defends his decision to stop advertising on X. The CEO is telling […]
SECRET LEAKED VIDEO: CEO of IBM admits using coercion to fire people unless they discriminate

SECRET LEAKED VIDEO: CEO of IBM admits to using coercion to fire people and take away their bonuses unless they discriminate in the hiring process. After pulling ads from X for ‘racism,’ IBM chief Arvind Krishna says he will fire, demote or strip bonuses from execs who don’t hire enough blacks, Hispanics — or hire […]
A Federal Judge Issues ORDER On Communications Between NYT and FBI Regarding O’Keefe Raid

UPDATE: A Federal Judge in DC issues ORDER in a case regarding the FBI raids. The order and opinion was in response to a Judicial Watch FOIA request for info regarding communications between the New York Times and FBI.
James O’Keefe attends the protest against him at UPitt