BREAKING: Commanders VP of Content Calls Fans “High School Educated Alcoholics”

O’Keefe Media Group’s recent release of undercover footage featuring Rael Enteen, Vice President of Content for the Washington Commanders, making derogatory comments about NFL fans, NFL players, and owners has captured widespread attention from a plethora of major media outlets. Here’s a roundup of the top media coverage: “Commanders Fire Employee After Undercover Video Showed […]
TX Woman Denies ActBlue Donations: “There’s No Way I Made All Those;” TX Sheriff’s Office RESPONDS

JUST IN ON ACT BLUE MONEY LAUNDERING: “No, there’s no way I had made all those,” says Barbara Staples of Texas, shocked to learn ActBlue listed her as making 1,600 donations totaling $13,000, including 53 transactions in a single day. Gerda Henderson faced $33,000 in unauthorized ActBlue donations over 484 days, despite only approving a […]
Indiana Woman Denies Thousands in ActBlue Donations, Provides Bank Records to OMG Against FEC Claims

JUST IN ON ACT BLUE MONEY LAUNDERING: “No, there’s no way I had made all those,” says Barbara Staples of Texas, shocked to learn ActBlue listed her as making 1,600 donations totaling $13,000, including 53 transactions in a single day. Gerda Henderson faced $33,000 in unauthorized ActBlue donations over 484 days, despite only approving a […]
DNC Manager Says Jill Biden Will “Take It Out of the General DNC Account” to Pay for Personal Trip

BREAKING: Democratic National Committee (DNC) Compliance Manager Joyce DeCerce admits on hidden camera that First Lady Jill Biden will “just take it out of the general DNC account” to fund her personal trip back from France. When an OMG journalist points out that the trip isn’t directly related to the campaign, DeCerce dismissively responds, “Who’s […]
DNC Manager: ‘I Don’t Think Kamala Harris Would Win;’ Admits to Empty Promises to Donors

BREAKING: “I don’t think Kamala Harris would win this year,” reveals Joyce DeCerce (he/him), Compliance Manager for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Kamala Harris’ Campaign. DeCerce adds, “She doesn’t have any accomplishments to speak of,” suggesting that Harris’s lack of popularity stems from her underachievement while in office. Regarding Harris’s approval amongst voters, DeCerce […]
Disney GET Program Pushes Transgender Agenda; Uses Consumer Funds for Gender Reassignment

REVEALED: O’Keefe Media Group reveals internal videos and documents exposing Disney’s G.E.T. (Gender Expression and Transitioning) program, which promotes the notion that being “authentically me” involves altering one’s natural body. The G.E.T. program video pressures Disney employees to conform to the demands of their gender transitioning co-workers. Internal documents reveal that Disney’s health insurance plans […]
Insider Leaks Disney’s Hidden LGBTQ Youth Programs and Children’s Pride Events

EXCLUSIVE: An insider source at Disney has provided OMG with startling internal documents and communications. These documents reveal Disney’s promotion of Pride events for children that involve n*ked men, maps of Disney-sponsored pride parades nationwide, Disney’s covert partnership with “Zebra Youth,” a program supporting LGBTQ youth ages 13-24, and messages about polys*xual virtual hangouts. Disney […]
Disney Marketing Director Genie Gurnani Reveals Push for More LGBT Content and Drag Queens

BREAKING: ‘It’s the unspoken thing for children to see LGBTQ content,’ says Walt Disney’s Creative Marketing Director, Drag Queen Amit “Genie” Gurnani, into OMG’s hidden camera. Gurnani adds, “I’d love to get a drag queen at Disneyland,” furthering, “I’m sure that would happen at some point.” Gurnani insists, “Bob Iger is not axing LGBTQ content […]
BREAKING: Disney Director Sohrab Makker: ‘No Non-White, Non-Jewish’ Hires, Calls CEO ‘Corrupt’

BREAKING: Walt Disney Television’s Director of Production/Finance, Sohrab “Dave” Makker, reveals Disney won’t hire anyone “who’s not white or not Jewish” for C-Suite roles, confirming discriminatory hiring practices detailed in OMG’s ‘The Disney Tapes: Part 1.’ Makker, who tracks diversity in annual reports, says Disney prioritizes LGBTQ stories for children but admits shows have failed […]
BREAKING: Disney VP Discriminatory Hiring Practices: “There’s No Way We’re Hiring a White Male.”

BREAKING: “Nobody else is going to tell you this, but they’re not considering any white males for the job,” says Michael Giordano, a Senior Vice President (VP) at The Walt Disney Company. Giordano adds, “there’s no way we’re hiring a white male.” On multiple dates with two different undercover OMG journalists, Giordano confesses Disney discriminates […]