In a recent undercover revelation, Jamie Mannina, a Pentagon advisor to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and former FBI Special Agent, revealed strategies and covert meetings aimed at influencing public perception and undermining the presidency of Donald Trump.

Mannina acknowledged collaborating with retired military leaders, including generals and admirals, to devise methods to counteract Trump’s administration. “I’ve been in conversation with a couple of retired generals to explore what we can do,” he admitted during the undercover conversation. These discussions reportedly occurred in high-security environments, including “The Tank,” a secure room within the Pentagon reserved for critical defense deliberations.
Mannina emphasized the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), including quantum computing and cybersecurity, stating, “Quantum is incredibly fast, super-computing. That doesn’t yet exist, but will soon exist, and when it does, it will change everything.”

Mannina’s role extended beyond advising military officials. He revealed his involvement with the National Security Leaders for America, a 501(c)(4) advocacy group. As a “ghostwriter,” he contributed to over 100 op-eds intended to sway public opinion against Trump’s potential re-election. “We tried to explain to the American people the national security consequences of another Trump presidency,” Mannina stated, highlighting the organization’s goal of influencing the electorate.

OMG reached out to the Department of Defense for comment, and received a response: “Yes, he did work [on the Joint Staff],” confirmed Joseph Holstead, Joint Staff Spokesman when asked about Jamie Mannina, a Booz Allen Hamilton contractor and advisor to the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon. When asked if Mannina had been terminated because of OMG’s undercover investigation, Holstead added, “Yeah, that’s the standard practice with contractors. This is obviously someone speaking out of turn and falsely in public.”
If you are on the inside of the Pentagon, or any government agency, and notice corruption, reach out to us via email at [email protected] or message us securely on Signal at 914-491-9395, and an OMG journalist will get back to you. Stay tuned.