DNC Manager: ‘I Don’t Think Kamala Harris Would Win;’ Admits to Empty Promises to Donors

BREAKING: “I don’t think Kamala Harris would win this year,” reveals Joyce DeCerce (he/him), Compliance Manager for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Kamala Harris’ Campaign. DeCerce adds, “She doesn’t have any accomplishments to speak of,” suggesting that Harris’s lack of popularity stems from her underachievement while in office.

Regarding Harris’s approval amongst voters, DeCerce remarks, “She’s weirdly unpopular.”

DeCerce admits that the DNC’s engagement with donors is little more than a façade. He explains, “You just put on a performance for them, a little show, right?” insinuating that the DNC merely tells donors what they want to hear in order to receive donations. He further claims that the DNC’s approach is to fuel donors’ fantasies with empty promises, emphasizing, “They want their fantasy to be, you know, fed.”

DNC Exposed: Shocking Revelations from Inside the Harris and Biden Campaigns

DNC Compliance Manager Joyce DeCerce admits, “You kind of tell a donor what they want to hear,” revealing deceptive tactics to secure donations.

DeCerce states, “I don’t think Kamala Harris would win this year,” citing her “weirdly unpopular” status and lack of significant accomplishments.

DeCerce describes the DNC’s approach as “a performance for them, a little show,” to manipulate donors into contributing large sums.

With the presidential election just a few months away, the political landscape is more volatile than ever.

Amidst the fervor, O’Keefe Media Group decided to investigate the inner workings of the Democratic National Committee and the newly launched presidential campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris. Our investigation aimed to uncover what key members of the DNC really think about Kamala Harris and to expose the questionable fundraising tactics being employed.

What we found was both shocking and telling, shedding light on the internal doubts about Harris’s viability as a candidate and the strategies used to secure donations from unsuspecting supporters.

Joyce DeCerce, who identifies as he/him, is the Compliance Manager for the DNC and previously worked on the Biden campaign, now transitioning to the Harris campaign. His role involves managing compliance, which essentially is where “accounting and legal meet.” DeCerce reports the financial activities of the DNC and the Biden campaign to the government.

DeCerce met our undercover journalist on a dating app, where he disclosed some startling information about the DNC, Vice President Harris, and President Biden. He expressed concerns about Harris’s chances in the 2024 election, describing her as “weirdly unpopular” and “she doesn’t have any accomplishments to speak of.” Despite liking Harris, DeCerce admitted she might not win even in a future election.

DeCerce also revealed the DNC’s strategies for securing donations, which include telling donors “what they want to hear,” and playing into their fantasies. He described how the DNC often puts on “a performance” to appease donors and secure large contributions, regardless of the actual plans or strategies in place.

According to DeCerce, the Biden campaign has struggled with fundraising. DeCerce recalls, “We’ve had people who haven’t wanted to give us money because they think the campaign is not doing well,” with their reasoning being that “He [Biden] isn’t being strong enough.” This corroborates media reports questioning the campaign’s effectiveness and Biden’s strength as a candidate.

As our publication date approached, the DNC tried to dissuade our journalist from continuing the investigation. They sent a postcard and made anonymous late-night calls, but we remain undeterred. Our commitment to holding those in power accountable is unwavering.

When OMG reached out to Kristin Hetherington, the CFO of the DNC, for comment, she hung up the phone in frustration after questioned if the DNC tells donors “what they want to hear,” and if they play to donor’s “fantasies.”

Stay tuned for “The DNC Tapes Vol. 2″…


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